Wow! This Christmas Season flew by fast!!! I don't know about you but its pretty much a big blur.... Brian and I have never had so many Christmas treats and we are still working on them all. This year I dove into baking, everything from pumpkin rolls to sour cream sugar cookies! It was so fun to make cookies, decorate them and bring to some friends/neighbors!!
One of our Christmas presents this year was a giant Styrofoam cooler full of Omaha Steaks and other food and TIRAMISU!!!!! Such good food called for a wonderful fancy dinner complete with our wine goblets and Martinelli's sparkling cider!!! (We don't drink so It was nice to dust of our glasses from the china cabinet..hehe) It was fun to share with friends and spend the night playing "hand and foot", a new card game that Seth and Brandi have us hooked on!!!
Christmas was really fun this year!! The only disappointment was that there was not even a glimpse of snow :( just a bunch of fog.........Sad!
We finished off the year with a bang and with a bunch of friends at our Black/White New Years party, which I would show some pics but my camera is broken and Brian is busy playing COD Modern Warfare 2 and is too busy to help me figure it out....BOO Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cant believe its 2010.....
So is it "twenty-10" or "two thousand-10"??!?!?!?!?!? I still haven't made up my mind..